Hair Supply
Assorted banknotes lie dormant in my desk drawer, cherished not for their monetary value but for the memories they conjure. Collectively, they function as featherweight souvenirs, reminders of the vastness of the world and my experiences moving through it.
And yet, the sameness of these paper bills is striking. Countries — so otherwise distinct from one another — have by and large settled on designs that are relatively similar in size, shape, and material. Nearly all of them feature portraits of figures of political, historical, or cultural import, and not surprisingly, nearly all are men.
Hair Supply gathers banknotes from across the world — some current, others no longer in circulation — and grants these figures makeovers made popular by the likes of reality shows such as Extreme Makeover, Queer Eye, and Dr. 90210. Heads of state, military heroes, and esteemed artists are liberated from the dusty decorum of the past and given new life through expressive and vivid coiffures. And as we do with their reality television counterparts, we gawk and marvel at these transformations, assuring each that they look more confident with their new ‘do. We can’t help but love a metamorphosis, it seems.
Korean banknote, embroidery floss
6 × 2.675 in
Shin Saimdang was a 16th century artist, writer, calligraphist, and poet. In 2009, she was selected to appear on Korea’s highest denomination note for both her talent and for embodying the cultural ideals of being a dutiful daughter, devoted wife, and wise mother. This move wasn’t without controversy: some applauded the decision as an equal rights gesture, others claimed the selection only reinforced outdated, sexist stereotypes. In 2017, Shin Saimdang said “F*ck it,” reclaimed her agency, and got herself some unicorn hair.
Swedish banknote, embroidery floss
4.75 x 2.625 in
British banknote, embroidery floss
5.825 x 3.15 in
Three Children
Eritrean banknote, embroidery floss
5.5 x 2.75 in
Young Girl
Yugoslavian banknote, embroidery floss
5.5 x 2.65 in
Polish banknote, embroidery floss
5.5 x 2.5 in
American banknote, embroidery floss
6.14 x 2.61 in