Inheritance presents oversized replicas of everyday discarded items, offering a unique perspective on the objects that pass through our lives. By scaling up these pieces to five times their original size, I invite viewers to see our world as a small creature might—surrounded by the remnants of human activity.
This series encourages contemplation of our consumer habits and their broader implications. The enlarged trash speaks to environmental concerns, but also hints at deeper socioeconomic issues, including disparities in access to healthy food and resources. Through Inheritance, I hope to prompt viewers to reflect on their relationship with the things they use and those they discard. It's an invitation to consider the world we’re shaping and the collective legacy we leave behind.
Inheritance: 01 Dunkin’
Cotton cloth, embroidery floss, Fraycheck
Variable dimensions; 54 x 28 x 1 in (flat)
Inheritance: 02 Newport
Cotton cloth, interfacing, embroidery floss, cotton thread
22.5 x 18 x 1 in
Inheritance: 03 Arizona
Cotton fabric, metallic felt, interfacing, embroidery floss
44 x 20 x 1 in
Inheritance: Crib Quilt A
Cotton batting, fiberfill, cotton cloth, wool felt, faux fur, interfacing, embroidery floss, FrayCheck
41.25 x 55 in